Oliver is a certified mental coach and a certified fitness trainer. He has been dedicated to the development of body and spirit for over 15 years. Since 2015, he has been accompanying people on their journey to their better self. He is a member of the International Coaching Federation.
The beginning of the journey..
Since childhood, he had a very active mind, which is why he suffered from frequent anxiety and fear. The desire for a better life led him to various forms of personal development. From natural bodybuilding, approaching unknown attractive women, through cooperation with a personal mentor and working with the inner child, to meetings with a shaman from Ecuador or eight days spent in complete darkness.
His own transformation showed him the beauty of a life freed from fear, lived in accordance with personal values.
Currently, it brings him great joy to see people around who overcome their limits and boldly walk their own, unique path. That is why he was so enchanted by the transformative power of coaching.
He completed his basic coaching training at the prestigious Business Coaching College. The school is led by PhDr. Denisa Kmecová, PCC and Zuzana Karpinská, PhD., PCC, authors of the publication Pyramid Coaching Model. Oliver later also underwent training for advanced coaches with them and preparation for international certification ACC. All the mentioned trainings are accredited by the ICF (International Coaching Federation).
Osho, Esence and Systemic Therapy
Oliver regularly visits the Osho Meditation Center in the Czech Republic. The center was founded and run by Bhagat J. Zeilhofer, a therapist with more than 30 years of experience who worked in Munich and India, where he lived for years in the presence of the spiritual master Osho. Oliver took courses with Bhagat on relationships, love, freedom and trainings in individual systemic therapy and transcendence of duality.
In addition, Oliver holds the Realization Process Meditation Teacher certificate. He learned directly from the founder of the Realization Process method, Judith Blackstone, PhD. This method was developed on the basis of 40 years of psychotherapeutic practice and connects psychology with spirituality in a unique way. It is a somatic approach to psychological and relational healing. It gives us a structured way to connect with our inner selves on a deep level. Live from a sense of wholeness and unity with other people, while retaining your own individuality.
In his work, he brings a unique combination of body, mind and spirit development. Thousands of years of proven meditation techniques with the latest scientific knowledge in the field of strength training and coaching.
Completed trainings and courses